Let Slack tell you what songs are currently playing in the office

At Earth People, there’s always music in the air (and the birds sing a pretty song).
Most of the stuff we play is fairly unknown to most of us, and in many cases only played once, ever.

To get rid of all the “Hey what’s this song”-chatter or Slack, I made a litte script which we run as a Slack Command.
The script just checks all the Last.fm-feeds of the people usually playing music, and returns what’s on.

Screenshot 2014-10-15 16.51.02

By no means magic, but adds another bit of homey feeling to Slack.
Here’s the Gist, be our guest.



require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use GuzzleHttp\Pool;
use GuzzleHttp\Client;

$client = new Client();

$users = array('suprape','musikmarskinen','dafeather','brunobrandstrom','Algoritm','mjelle','hjalle','johannagrip','tumde');

$requests = array();
foreach($users as $user){
	$requests[] = $client->createRequest('GET', 'http://ws.audioscrobbler.com/2.0/', [
		'query' => array(
			'method' => 'user.getrecenttracks',
			'limit' => '5',
			'api_key' => 'GetThisFromLastFm',
			'format' => 'json',
			'nowplaying' => 'true',
			'user' => $user

$results = Pool::batch($client, $requests);
$nowplaying = array();
foreach ($results->getSuccessful() as $response) {
	$recenttracks = json_decode($response->getBody()->getContents());
		foreach($recenttracks->recenttracks->track as $track){
				$temp = new StdClass();
				$temp->artist = $track->artist->{"#text"};
				$temp->title = $track->name;
				$temp->album = $track->album->{"#text"};
				$temp->image = $track->image[3]->{"#text"};
				$nowplaying[] = $temp;

header('Content-type: text/plain;charset=utf-8');
echo "Verkar som att ".count($nowplaying)." låtar spelas på kontoret just nu:\n";
foreach($nowplaying as $track){
	echo '- "'.$track->artist.' - '. $track->title.'"';
		echo ' från skivan "'.$track->album.'"';
	echo "\n";