Year: 2015
Syncing your Korg Littlebits to external trig
Syncing your Korg Littlebits sequencer can be a bit tricky unless you have the official break-out bits, or a SQ1 sequencer too hook it up to. I multimetered the cables between the breakout bits: Red = DC current. Orange = trig. White = ground. Turns out the kit actually speaks normal trig signal, and the internal trig is about the same as the trig…
Self-generating recursive art using Amazon Mechanical Turk
Amazon Mechanical Turk is an amazing API. It’s an API to humans, and yup that sounds super weird. I programmatically create a HIT – a Human Intelligence Task, using their API. Typical HIT’s are “sort these files by cuteness”, “listen to these audio files for NSFW material” and other things a computer can’t do well (yet).…
Making a silly game using Google Cloud Vision and Instagram
I was recently invited to the first alpha release of Google Cloud Vision, which is a game changing new API from Google. I can programmatically upload any picture and get this kind of stuff back: Face detection, with pixel annotations of the corner of the mouth etc, plus unexpected values like sorrowLikelihood Landmark detection, with LatLon polygon boundaries…
Here is a list of WordPress plugins that Sweden’s largest political parties use
TL;DR: We made a website: WordPress is pretty big here in Sweden. Recently we found out that six of the largest political parties use WordPress on their main sites. Here at Earth People we also use WordPress to build sites, so we thought that this it was a pretty cool and interesting fact that all…
The Future of Grids
Our friend Emil Björklund has just published his third tidbit about CSS Grids. The future of web layout looks bright. Don’t miss part 1 and part 2.
Mandatory reading for PHP devs
I just wanted to give this site I stumbled upon some credit: I’ve been developing with PHP for about 15 years, but still the part about performance taught me quite a lot. isset() is apparently faster than array_key_exists() and $i++is slow compared to ++$i. These are micro-optimizations, sure, but there’s no reason to rub PHP the wrong way… /Peder
Finding out sentiment
Say you want to find out if a user generated text is happy, sad, upbeat or hateful. Not so easy is it? We were given this task as a part of a recent project. And to make things even more challenging we needed to do this in both Swedish and English. After a bit of research…
NFC + Krautmilen + Android
We needed to make something to measure timings during the running event Krautmilen. Equipment: Make a fugly Android app which could relay runners NFC keyring blips to a server API. Make a server API to handle the basic running logic (ie pair up names of runners with their start and finish times) The application is…
Hooking up the voice intercom to Slack
The intercom from the street to our office was connected to an old GSM phone, and letting people in required us to pick up the phone and press the digit 5. Simple, sure, but it doesn’t feel like 2015. I had also been meaning to try the Twilio API for some time. Task: Connect the…
Figurerunning a corgi
I like running, and figurerunning makes it even more fun. Don’t know what figurerunning is? Oh! Basically it’s just GPS tracking helping runners draw dicks on maps while running. What’s not to like? We made a tool helping runners being creative while planning their routes. In this proof of concept we let users draw figures which automatically snap to roads…
How to make a wind chime door bell
Our doorbell was already connected to the Internet via an Arduino, but we couldn’t stand the sound it made. We needed a warmer sound, a sound that didn’t make us want to kill the doorbell users (mostly clients). Step 1: Buy an old Wind Chime, preferably with a coconut base (because awesome). Step 2: Pick up a…
Integrera Swish i egna tjänster
I’ll write this in Swedish because it only applies to Swedes. Swish är ju en väldigt lyckad tjänst. Den har, liksom t.ex. Uber, förändrat ett beteende. Över 2 millioner svenskar använder appen. Självklart borde man göra något smart på Internet med detta, nu när nästan hela Sverige har appen i fickan. Dock har Swish inget publikt API,…