Year: 2013

  • (in swedish)

    Vi lanserade just ett eget projekt. Earth People är delaktiga i detta, inte bara som byggare utan även som partners. Tjänsten är inte färdig eller perfekt, men vi gillar att släppa saker tidigt och iterera ofta, så ha det i åtanke. Hittar du nån bugg, säg hemskt gärna till. Tjänsten heter Pantaluren, och är i…

  • WordPress loops: with_posts() is my way of dealing with them

    One of the most boring, cumbersome and dangerous things with WordPress is getting and working with posts in custom loops. A common situation is like this: That’s a bit cumbersome I think. Do I really need to do that while-thingie, that the_post()-method-thingie and that wp_reset_postdata()-thingie each time? It feels a bit… repetitive. And dangerous, since…

  • How we created an API to our coffee machine and how we abused the 418 I’m a teapot

    We needed(?) a REST API to our coffee machine. So I put a Twine next to it, and made it call back over HTTP to a webhook on one of our servers. This webhook logs all the temperature changes, and now anyone can query the dataset via our REST API. It just returns if the coffee…

  • Our #musichackday hack – Stealing Feeling!

    Our #musichackday hack – Stealing Feeling!

    UPDATE: We actually won an iPad Mini courtesy of Echonest for the hack! Very encouraging! Me, Fredrik and Adrian attended the Music Hackday in Stockholm, and made a little something. In short: 1. Steal the feeling from someone who’s got more of it than you. 2. Apply it to your music. It’s based around a 16…