Tag: plugin
PHP Run – a package for Sublime Text 2
I switched from the my old friend TextMate a couple of days ago. And missed CMD+SHIFT+R. In TextMate, this command would run the current PHP file and output the result. Great when you just want to see if your hotfix compiles, or if you want to beautify a json feed really quickly <?php print_r(json_decode(file_get_contents($feed))); Not…
The very first field extension for Simple Fields comes from Earth People
The recently released version 1 of Simple Fields added a nice feature called “field extensions“: using a simple API, developers can add their own custom field types to the plugin. Nice indeed. For one of our WordPress projects we needed to be able to attach a location to each post, so we though that “hey,…
WordPress Plugin Simple Fields now maintained by Earth People
Yes, the great – prepare for SEO Keyword madness! – WordPress custom fields plugin Simple Fields is now actively developed by us here at EarthPeople. This is thanks to the fact that the plugin creator Pär since a while back spends his days at our office, typing away on his Macbook Air or browsing the WordPress…
EP Hashimage gets a speedboost
The last few days we have been working on improving the speed if our EP Hashimage plugin. Today, we have released the result, a plugin that loads 70-80% faster when loading from the cache. This is achieved after a complete rewrite of the caching function. It now used the WordPress Transients API. As usual, you find…
Select networks in EP Hashimage
Today we’ve added a new feature to our EP Hashimage WordPress plugin. You can now (from version 3) choose which networks you want to include in your search for images with a specific hashtag. For example – if you want to print images tagged with #cat but only from the instagram network. That is now…
EP Social Widget now with shortcode
Our very popular social widget plugin has been updated with shortcode support so that you with ease can display your social links in posts and pages. Here is a short how to. [ep-social-widget facebook=”https://facebook.com” gplus=”https://plus.google.com” rss=”1″] Available networks are facebook gplus twitter flickr youtube rss Just use the one you want to display in your…
Base64-encoding media assets in WordPress
I needed to serve some WordPress posts as web views to some mobile apps. But the app guys wanted the all the images inside the_content to be encoded into base64-strings, for offline caching. This was made into a tiny little plugin which you can download and use as you see fit. When enabled, this plugin…
Hashimage updated with async loading
From the start we always felt that we needed to do something about the slow loading of the hashimage plugin. Today we have updated it with the option to use async loading, letting all the heavy work to be done after initial page load. See the settings page for this new option. In this update…
Hashimage plugin now with widget
Today, our WordPress plugin EP Hashimage has been updated to version 2.2.0. The news is that we added the ability to display images in a widget. You can download the latest version of the plugin over at wordpress.org
Hashimage WordPress plugin updated
During summer last year we published a dirty site for displaying images from a certain Twitter hashtag. In august the same year we got the question to make it a WordPress plugin. Said and done, we made a plugin a few hours later. Now, it’s updated with some new features and released at WordPress plugin…