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  • PHP Run – a package for Sublime Text 2

    I switched from the my old friend TextMate a couple of days ago. And missed CMD+SHIFT+R. In TextMate, this command would run the current PHP file and output the result. Great when you just want to see if your hotfix compiles, or if you want to beautify a json feed really quickly <?php print_r(json_decode(file_get_contents($feed))); Not…

  • The very first field extension for Simple Fields comes from Earth People

    The recently released version 1 of Simple Fields added a nice feature called “field extensions“: using a simple API, developers can add their own custom field types to the plugin. Nice indeed. For one of our WordPress projects we needed to be able to attach a location to each post, so we though that “hey,…

  • WordPress Plugin Simple Fields now maintained by Earth People

    Yes, the great – prepare for SEO Keyword madness! – WordPress custom fields plugin Simple Fields is now actively developed by us here at EarthPeople. This is thanks to the fact that the plugin creator Pär since a while back spends his days at our office, typing away on his Macbook Air or browsing the WordPress…

  • Almost really there . com

    People attending conferences tend to tweet everything they hear a speaker say. We made a little service for you, and we call it almostreallythere.com. Now you can annoy your followers too. From the comfort of your own couch.

  • Instagram bingo

    Instagram bingo

    This is a game that’s perfect for a company event, like our own Helsinki kick off. You get a list with stuff that you’re supposed to capture with your smartphone camera, tag properly and upload to instagram. Some of them are bound to a place, some not. Hard task – more points. In the field…

  • EP Hashimage gets a speedboost

    The last few days we have been working on improving the speed if our EP Hashimage plugin. Today, we have released the result, a plugin that loads 70-80% faster when loading from the cache. This is achieved after a complete rewrite of the caching function. It now used the WordPress Transients API. As usual, you find…

  • Add your own networks

    Today, our very populare social wordpress plugin EP Social Widget got even better. We have after requests from our users, we added an option page wich give you the ability to add any network you want to the plugin and your site. You will find the new option page in the settings menu in WordPress…

  • Select networks in EP Hashimage

    Today we’ve added a new feature to our EP Hashimage WordPress plugin. You can now (from version 3) choose which networks you want to include in your search for images with a specific hashtag. For example –  if you want to print images tagged with #cat but only from the instagram network. That is now…

  • WordPress plugins updated

    This week two of our most popular WordPress plugins has been updated with new features. EP Social Widget have been updated with more social networks to use, some after requests from our users. Check out the plugin here. EP Hashimage have been updated with a new option to select how you open an image when…

  • SSWC – photos

    Sweden Social Web Camp is currently taking place on the island of Tjärö, Sweden. The entire social media elite (except for me höh) is there. To keep up with what they’re doing, i hereby showcase our WordPress plugin EP HashImage. Below we’re displaying images from the hashtag SSWC, by scraping twitpic, instagram, yfrog, plixi, flickr, pic.twitter.com. [hashimage…

  • Y U NO HAZ API???

    Y U NO HAZ API???

    i really, really despise stuff without a public api. then i realized we don’t even have one ourselves. gah! (i also realize that this is of little value to anyone, but i just couldn’t stand hating myself.) earthpeople.se json api: – http://earthpeople.se/api/

  • Experiment 002

    Experiment 002

    In our second experiment we’ve been playing around with the Instagram API. The basic idea was to create mosaic images from Instagram photos tagged with something we like, for instance #cats (internet is made of cats, anyway). To begin with, we fetch a gazillion images with the tag in question. By resizing the images to…