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EP Social Widget now with shortcode
Our very popular social widget plugin has been updated with shortcode support so that you with ease can display your social links in posts and pages. Here is a short how to. [ep-social-widget facebook=”https://facebook.com” gplus=”https://plus.google.com” rss=”1″] Available networks are facebook gplus twitter flickr youtube rss Just use the one you want to display in your…
Base64-encoding media assets in WordPress
I needed to serve some WordPress posts as web views to some mobile apps. But the app guys wanted the all the images inside the_content to be encoded into base64-strings, for offline caching. This was made into a tiny little plugin which you can download and use as you see fit. When enabled, this plugin…
Hashimage updated with async loading
From the start we always felt that we needed to do something about the slow loading of the hashimage plugin. Today we have updated it with the option to use async loading, letting all the heavy work to be done after initial page load. See the settings page for this new option. In this update…
Making signed requests with CodeIgniter
Recently we’ve done lots of backends for IOS apps, Flash sites, Facebook apps and such. In most cases, it’s just a matter of responding with JSON to a HTTP request, saving or fetching something from a datasource. The problem is that it’s fairly easy to sniff the request, change a few parameters and submit a…
Hashimage plugin now with widget
Today, our WordPress plugin EP Hashimage has been updated to version 2.2.0. The news is that we added the ability to display images in a widget. You can download the latest version of the plugin over at wordpress.org
our www – experiment 001
the new earthpeople.se is an experiment driven website, where we try out ideas in the background, where the actual content stays the same over time. we just love fiddling around with www, and we thought it would be a good idea to showcase this somehow. the base of the website is a codeigniter install, with…
Hashimage WordPress plugin updated
During summer last year we published a dirty site for displaying images from a certain Twitter hashtag. In august the same year we got the question to make it a WordPress plugin. Said and done, we made a plugin a few hours later. Now, it’s updated with some new features and released at WordPress plugin…
Our first released WP plugin – EP Comments Export
WordPress is a system we have been using a lot , since years back. Today, for the first time, we release a plugin to the WordPress plugin directory. The plugin, with the name EP Comments Export, lets you easily export all comments and comment meta data from a specific post, page or custom post type.…
Christmas gift to the Internet: Hundstallet WordPress plugin
I recently fell in love with _all_ the homeless dogs on the Hundstallet website. I’m sure everyone would. And seeing as dogs has been mans best friend for many years, i thought we’d better give something back. When installed, this WordPress plugin will override your theme’s 404 page and instead display a random homeless dog…
WP e-Commerce on multisite with domain mapping
Using WP e-Commerce on a WordPress multisite is easy. But getting it to work with Domain Mapping proved a little tricky. WP e-Commerce adds a few options to the wp_options table, like “product_list_url”, “shopping_cart_url”, and a few others. These are full links containing the domain name from your multisite setup. If you want your customers…
CodeIgniter/ActiveRecord setup to use master + slave db replication
This is how you can set up CodeIgniter to direct mysql queries to different read/write hosts in your db replicated environment, using a db_slave for your SELECT’s, and a db_master for the INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE queries. File: application/config/database.php Specify the different database hosts in the database config file: < ?php if ( ! defined(‘BASEPATH’)) exit(‘No direct script…